What are orbs?

OrbsThis is another good question that we are frequently asked.  In this article, I will strive to do my best to explain exactly what an orb is.  On a basic level, an orb is a ball of energy.  All living organisms are made up of energy.  The Chinese call this mass of energy Chi.  In the American culture, we commonly refer to it as Spirit.  No matter what you personally choose to refer to it as, it is the core of our being.  You can find it located in the center of our body around our solar plexus.    Upon our death, whether natural or untimely, this energy source leaves our body and is supposed to crossover into the spirit world.  Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen.  In circumstances involving an untimely or tragic death, spirits miss this window of transition.  In essence, they get trapped here.  This could occur for any one of several reasons such as i) unfinished business, ii) attachment to an object, person, or place, or iii) re-living the circumstances that brought about their demise scientifically referred as Quantum Loop Theory.  The latter will be discussed further in a later article.

The identification of orbs is a hotly debated subject in the paranormal field.  For the purposes of this article, I won’t add to an already confusing subject.  Quite simply, orbs appear as an almost transparent sphere while external light sources are opaque spheres sometimes radiating luminescent rays.  Next, you have the issue of insects and dust particles which pose another issue altogether in paranormal photography.  These are, however, easily distinguishable.  Insects appear as irregular fluorescent shapes while dust particles, although very similar to orbs, will appear in the same place on every photograph taken.

Based on the information given thus far, you can now see why the subject of orbs either legitimate or false is a very hotly debated topic in paranormal circles.  There are as many different opinions pertaining to the subject of orbs as there are paranormal investigators.  While some refuse to acknowledge orbs as definitive evidence of spirit activity, there are others who readily acknowledge and accept orbs as absolute proof.

The purpose of this article is not so much to convince you about the existence or non-existence of orbs but, rather to provide you with some basic information on the subject giving you a basis on which to form your own opinion.  No matter what your conclusions are, the whole idea is to have fun and take as many photos as you can when ghost hunting.

© J.F. Dietz 2012