Do Ghost Hunting Apps Really Work?

ghost hunting app

With the “Information Age” came radical and progressive technological advancements.  For instance, computers no longer required an entire room.  Home computers no longer weigh 50 pounds and can be carried around either in the palm of your hand or backpack.  Video games and movie graphics are now more realistic and, you never have to stay at home waiting for an important telephone call.

However, these technological advancements do not stop here.  I have noticed them showing up on some of the ghost tours and ghost hunts I hand the honor to conduct as well.  They appear in the form of Apps, “Ghost Hunting Apps” to be more specific.  At first, I thought it was a novel idea to be able to just punch one button on your smart phone and “ta da” your smart phone is magically transformed into an operative investigative tool.  I did not put too much more thought into it farther than the end of the tour.  Then, I noticed more and more of our guests attending our ghost hunts and haunted walking tours with using these Apps on their handheld devices.  Now, this once novel idea moved into a totally new category.  I noticed that our guests were actually relying on these “Ghost Hunting Apps” more than their cameras, K2 meters, and digital recorders.  The most alarming thing I found was that they were absolutely convinced that these Apps were accurate for no other reason than the marketing hype.

While it’s no secret that I am not a big fan of Apps whether it be for a computer, smart-phone, or otherwise I am not some dinosaur with an aversion to technology. I do embrace some technology while abandoning others.  For me, the determining factor is twofold.  First, whether it is an App or piece of equipment, it needs to be reliable with a proven track record.  And, second, it must be user friendly.

So, I decided to perform a little experiment.  I actually downloaded a couple of these Apps on my smart phone and tested them at different locations along our tour route which are known to be “hot spots.”  The initial results were quite disappointing.  I received positive results at locations not known for paranormal activity and no results at known paranormal “hot spots.”  In an effort to be fair, I performed a second test.  This time results appeared to be more inline with data gathered prior to my little experiment using the “Ghost Hunting” Apps.  After performing two tests, and receiving contradictory results, I still did not feel comfortable rendering a conclusion as to whether or not these Apps actually worked in the field or not.  I felt that a third and final test was in order.  During this third test of these “Ghost Hunting” Apps, I received a better response but, this time I noticed something more sinister correlation.  The seemingly random and erratic responses were more inline with responses you would get using a “Magic 8 Ball.”  I found this to be most disappointing.  My final conclusion as to whether or not “Ghost Hunting” Apps actually work in the field and are a reliable scientific source for detecting actual paranormal activity is ABSOLUTELY NO.  However, I do have to give these Apps points for being a fantastic source of entertainment.     In performing my experiment, I was both entertained and amused by these gadgets.

As a paranormal investigator, I think I will stick with my old reliable equipment for now when performing investigations or field work. But, who knows, you may find me using an app of some kind sometime in the future once this technology has been perfected and becomes a reliable tool.

For now, I will let you be the judge.

© J.F. Dietz 2013

Night Vision “On The Cheap”

IdeaAs Ghost Hunters, we are always searching for ways to improve our ability to capture paranormal activity.  One of the main challenges we face each time we perform an investigation is very limited or no external lighting.  Although one of the positive sides to this issue is that it heightens our awareness however, the negative side is safety issues.  The solution to this problem is purchasing night vision equipment which can be very expensive and out of the price range of most people especially those on a limited budget or just entering the field for the first time.  This does not go without saying that I’m cheap and operate off of a very tight budget when it comes to my ghost hunting endeavors.  I’m also a true believer that top of the line equipment does not make anyone a good or great Ghost Hunter.  The only thing it will accomplish is tapping you out financially and high blood pressure.

As a follow-up to my first article Ghost Hunting On A Budget, I’m going to let you on a little secret of just how you can create your own night vision device for just pennies on the dollar.  You will need three inexpensive items: (1) a flashlight or hunting spotlight, (2) a red transparency sheet, and (3) a blue transparency sheet.  Once you acquire these items, the rest is very simple.  You will take your flashlight and unscrew the lens on the front.  Next, trace out the shape of your flashlight lens on a piece of paper.  Then, you will take one of your colored transparency sheets and place the drawing you made onto it.  Now, begin cutting out the shape of your flashlight lens from both.  After you do this, take your colored cut-outs and place them inside the part containing the flashlight lens.  If you have done this correctly, the flashlight lens will be completely covered.  Next, screw the flashlight lens back onto the body of the flashlight.  Finally, turn your flashlight “ON” and test out your handiwork in the dark.  Your flashlight should emit a greenish soft light instead of the harsh white light.  Voila!!  You now have instant night vision.

This “old school” neat little trick will not only save you tons of money but, will give you confidence but, bragging rights when your friends are still trying to master their high tech equipment in the field.  Another bonus is that you don’t lose the functionality of your flashlight.  You just have to do is remove the colored transparencies and your night vision will turn back into a useful flashlight.

You should already have all of these items on-hand with exception of the colored transparencies unless you or your child is dyslexic.  Don’t worry too much though because you can pick up the colored transparencies at any office or art supply store for under $1 each.

Did I mention that I’m cheap?  Your homemade night vision equipment may not have the appeal of top notch high tech equipment nor will it be the best quality night vision.  However, for the price, you simply cannot beat it plus it provides decent night vision at those dark locations.  You will be out working while your friends are still trying to figure out how to turn their fancy equipment “ON”.

© J.F. Dietz 2013